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Lib Dems slam public health budget cuts in York

by richardbrown on 5 August, 2015

Figures released by the Department for Health show the Conservative Government could cut £510,000 from the public health budget in York. The budget pays to help improve people’s health so there is less pressure on the NHS.

Work undertaken by public health budgets include encouraging people to exercise more, give up smoking, drink less and come off drugs. It also includes supporting school nurses.

The Government is currently consulting on the methods for apportioning a £200million saving to the public health budget. A flat 6.2% reduction across local authorities, one of the options outlined in the consultation, would result in a cut of around £510,000 for York. Other options include varying the cuts across councils.

Cllr Carol Runciman, Liberal Democrat Executive Member for Adult Social Care and Health, commented:

“This cut could put further pressure on the council and jeopardize public health work going on in York. It could mean that local residents are less likely to make good decisions on their health, and when they do need help it is less likely to be there for them.

“Colleagues and I will be speaking to officers to discuss our response to the consultation to try to ensure the impact on York is minimised. What is clear is that by cutting the budget in the middle of the financial year it means it will be really difficult to make savings, especially when the money allocated to York is low in the first place.

“Liberal Democrats say these are the wrong cuts and in the long-term they will end up costing the Government and the NHS more than is saved.”

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