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Response to George Osborne’s Budget

by richardbrown on 28 July, 2015

Responding to today’s national Budget Cllr Keith Aspden, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group in York, commented:

“George Osborne’s budget has a number of positive-sounding headlines, but the details in many cases tell a different story. Hidden amongst the government’s gimmicks and giveaways there are very real cuts such as the abolition of maintenance grants for poorer students as well as cuts to tax credits and Employment Support Allowance. Meanwhile, the Chancellor’s offer on the living wage should have a positive impact but he has set the rate at £7.20 next year – already 65p an hour lower than the official Living Wage.

“For York, we need to look carefully at the announcement on road funding and push for as much as possible to come to the city. We were disappointed not to see a stronger commitment on the electrification of the Manchester to York route after the plans were “paused” last month. This needs to happen if the rhetoric of a Northern Powerhouse is to become a reality.

“On devolution, I welcome the principle behind many of the proposals and the new Executive is working on plans to consult residents and businesses on the options for York. We are determined that any devolution model adopted has public backing, delivers the best deal for York and is accountable to residents.”

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